How A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help You


If you have recently been injured in a motorcycle accident that was the fault of another driver, you might want to hire a lawyer as soon as possible. To help you determine why this is so crucial, you can read through the following ways the motorcycle accident lawyer can help you.

Gather All Evidence For You

The types of evidence that needs to be gathered could be anything from police reports to medical records. Since there are so many different key pieces of evidence to collect, it is best to allow your lawyer to tend to it. He or she will file the proper paperwork for a copy of the police report. Your lawyer will also contact every hospital, primary care doctor, specialist, therapist, and surgeon that has treated you for the injuries you sustained from the accident. Another key piece of evidence may be clear photographs of the damaged motorcycle and the scene of the accident. If you do not already have these photos, the lawyer can take them for you.

Negotiates With The Insurance Company

After your motorcycle accident lawyer gathers all of the evidence, he or she can then present it to the insurance company of the driver who was at fault. It is then that the insurance company can see just how much trouble their client or customer caused and that they are indeed responsible to cover the expenses caused by the other driver. Such expenses may include the repair or replacement of your motorcycle, loss of wages from your recovery time, and any medical expenses that you are responsible to pay out of pocket. Many insurance companies will try to give a low-ball offer, but your lawyer will see right through that. He or she will have a better idea as to what financial settlement would be acceptable and will negotiate back and forth with the insurance company until a suitable agreement is reached.

Files With The Courts

If the insurance company that represents the other driver is not able to agree to acceptable terms, your motorcycle accident lawyer will then speak with you about filing a lawsuit with the courts. If you agree, he or she will then file a lawsuit with the courts in order to get the financial compensation you need so that you can move forward from this terrible event.

As you can see, there are many benefits that come from hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer. Therefore, you do not want to waste much time. The sooner you hire a lawyer, the sooner you will be able to finally put all of this behind you.

For professional legal help, contact a law firm such as Welsh & Welsh PC LLO.


20 August 2015

personal injury due to defective products

Defective products are produced and sold to consumers all of the time. Unfortunately, some of these defective products cause consumers injuries when they malfunction. So, what can you do if a defective product causes you or someone that you love some kind of injury? This blog will show you how the legal system works to protect consumers from instances such as this. You will find out about personal injury lawsuits and what it takes to file and proceed with a lawsuit to hold the company that manufactured that defective product responsible for the role that they played in the pain that has been experienced.